Posts Tagged ‘Polka Dot

Manicure Monday: Egg Hunt

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This Easter Sunday, (Happy Easter Monday!) I opted for painting polka-dotted nails instead of eggs. Quite frankly, I don’t have the patience to poke a pin hole through the shell, remove the yolk and white from the egg, and decorate the shell ornately, attempting to compete with my 6-year-old creative self. I also own an approximate ratio of 1:28 of acrylic paint to nail polish, so the odds were in my fingertips’ favour.

For this simple design I alternated using (from thumb to pinkie) Saint Germain in Sea Green, Zoya in Wednesday, Zoya in Shelby, Essie in Action, and Sally Hansen Smooth and Perfect in Sorbet. To dot nails, use the tip of a toothpick — I used Essie in Blanc to create the polka dots.

Overall, I think this weekend was well deserved, and I spent most of it relaxing. With my parents and friends visiting Toronto for the weekend, dinners at my sister’s new apartment were assumed and slumber parties were necessary for BFF catch up. How did you all spend your long weekend?

Written by goldfacedbetty

April 9, 2012 at 10:55 am